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Dr. Debra Wingfield


Debra Wingfield has taken an extremely difficult and controversial subject and using her own experience and extensive training created a process that allows anyone to begin the healing process. Strongly recommended!

Darrell Wingerak


Bravo Debra. Your material hits a home run. I can't wait for the rest of your book series. Thank you!.

Glenn Dietzel


I've been looking forward to this program for a long time and now that it's here, it's everthing I could have hoped for.
Thank you Debra.

Alex Willemsma




As Featured On Ezine Articles Dr. Debra

Every 40 seconds a child is abused
in the U.S.
and I was one of them

“Discover the Techniques This Incest/Sexual Abuse Survivor Used To Transform Her Own Trials Into Triumph For Herself And Her Clients—

And Now YOU!”

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Are you an Escapee from your Abusive Childhood??

Did you Imagine, as I did, you would be okay once you left home?
Only to find the trauma of abuse haunting you wherever you went.

    • Tired of carrying the burden of the secret?
    • Tired of your life being one crisis after another?
    • Ready to leave the trauma of the past behind.
    • Connect with yourself in body, mind, spirit, and soul.
    • Live a life filled with peace, joy, happiness, and contentment.
    • Have healthy, loving relationships.

Create a choice filled life with the Transformational Journaling for Healing Souls™ system.


Are you wondering where you are in healing your soul?

“When it finally hit me square between the eyes that I was responsible for my recovery, I became a Warrior searching for my truth.”

I Discovered the importance of Transformational Journaling while working 12 steps of recovery.

I Walked the recovery path, Educated myself about abuse, addictions, codependency, and dysfunctional families, and Helped others recover to live happy, joy-filled lives.

I Developed the
Transformational Journaling for Healing Souls™
recovery process and Counseled my clients using this system.

Take advantage of this process – from the comfort of your home – to start Re-Creating your life of conscious choice.

From Trauma Survivor to Recreator, I guide you to Recreate your life of choice through Transformational Journaling for Healing Souls ™

Clients found they:

    • Released trauma of emotional sexual abuse for a healthy life with spouse and family.
    • Healed emotional abuse from others and released excess weight -- healed family relationships.
    • Transformed relationship with sexually abusive father and set healthy boundaries.
    • Took charge of her life and let go of codependent relationship/ marriage.
    • Applied techniques to handle workplace responsibilities .
    • Released trauma of sexual abuse to become therapist helping others heal.

Now, you can:

    • Overcome dysfunctional family patterns and create healthy family dynamics.
    • Recover from your addictive past and create a life of choice.
    • Release codependent relationships to create healthy ones.
    • Transform yourself from Trauma Survivor to Re-Creator through the Transformational Journaling for Healing Souls™ system.

P.S. Recover your soul! Recreate your life!

P.P.S. CHOOSE today to take charge of your life!





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Debra Wingfield